Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog assignment_2 Eng 259.


“Could printing body parts be in NC's 
 manufacturing future?” 
is the question asked by Jim Roberts in his Feb, 12 2013 blog. 
It could, and yes you heard right, we did say printing body parts.
The blog tells us that North Carolina, California, Massachusetts, New York, Maryland and Connecticut are all “competing for a piece of the Regenerative medicine market that Dr. Atala believes will have a potential $118 Billion impact on the economy by the year 2015.” (Roberts, 2013) As if that wasn’t enough “every job in regenerative medicine has a multiplier effect of creating 5.7 more jobs in the region.” (Roberts, 2013) Certainly giving the economy a much needed boost.

Now in case you are still wondering what we are talking about, bioengineers are striving to engineer manmade tissues and organs withthe help of stem cells, pig bladder etc... while 3D printing is a method that uses a wide array of material such as glass, plastic metals, plastics, polymers, ceramics, plaster; and even foodstuffs to create a 3D model of the object you program it to layer by layer. Now combine these two ideas and add Dr. Anthony Atala and your end up with an idea to produce organs, tissues, bones etc… using this 3D printing Technology. In case you are wondering if it works, yes, yes it does.  

And it’s already been done! Live, in front of an audience, during one of the 2011 Ted Talks.
Thanks to Dr. Atala and his staff! Dr. Atala began printing, yes printing, a kidney during the convention and showed off a previously printed kidney. Instead of ink or any other material this printer uses cells. Although these methods are still experimental this method plans to help against the shortage of organs, replace failing organs due to aging, disease, and errors in our genetics.  He even sees a future where we may be able to use “printing technology to fabricate body parts and even print skin tissue directly onto a patient’s wound.”(Jung, 2011)
I am not sure if North Carolina will be a leader of this method but I do agree that this technology will change the way we live our lives and benefit the medical, science and financial fields.

It’s so hard to pick just one of these methods, printing technology is amazing as well and soon enough we may be able to replace many of the things we use simply by printing them out. (Hoffman, 2011) This would cut down on many cost, time, energy and resources because you will no longer need huge factories to produce products if you can print them at home, transportation time may be cut down and with it pollution levels. Printed meat for consumer consumption has even been suggested which would end animal cruelty, it doesn't involve cloning so no moral issued should arise and the cells used to create this meat would come from an animal, however the animal doesn't need to die since only a small sample is needed.( Whitwam, 2013)  Which would reduce the waste of water, grazing land, and fuel needed, reduce transportation cost and time because your meat will be made  “fresh”, Forgacs  says the printing would be open to a the public much like “a brewery”. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Welcome ! This is my English 259 _Intensive Writing blog



                                                                                             Image from: http://alternativeenergy.com.pk/

Welcome ! This is my  English 259 _Intensive Writing blog.  
 My name is Karina my regular writings are  lab reports, research papers, essays, formal letters emails and posts. Starting today this list includes blogs!.  I enjoy reading news or post regarding the discovery of new species, advances in the medical field and humanitarian programs created to help individuals help themselves such as Global Health Share Initiative. I am majoring as an electrical engineer at La Guardia Community College. Upon completion I plan to find an internship and continue my studies at a four year college such as City College of New York.

 I am interested in environmental, biological, chemical, psychology and neurological fields of science. All aspects of science are fascinating especially since they help shape our lives. Today everyone has a direct or indirect relationship with technology' however everyone's relationship is different especially since technology covers nearly all aspect of our lives. According to Merriam-Webster technology is the "application of knowledge to change and  manipulate human environment through the use of tools, ideas [etc..] to make life easier and more pleasant" this means that even your ball point pen would be consider a piece of technology, after all  it only took "three different inventors and almost 60 years to develop" it . (eNotes.com)

A  farmers might use insecticides, tractors and seeding equipment, corporate employees may need computer programs for accounting and power point presentations, students may use computers with a working internet connection to gather information, pens, calculators, USB hard drives and much more. Technology to me and many others gives us more time and energy because a laptop with working internet service allows us to talk to relatives out of state, pay bills, manage bank accounts, buy groceries, books, easily obtain research information, compare prices, share data and information with teachers, peers and employers; and it also keeps us entertained... of course the list is never ending these are just a few examples of what a computer with internet service provides, can we possibly fathom all that technology has given us? Let's just look at our  kitchen and the very structure that keeps us warm at night!