Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Blog assignment. Blog Assignment #6

Age-related macular degeneration can leave people with only peripheral vision <i>(Image: Science Source/SPL)</i>
ENGLISH 259:   (Image: Science Source/SPL)
Final Blog Assignment

Blogging and this English 259 class has helped me realize how much I enjoy reading and sharing new information regarding the latest technology that involves a possible solution to the greatest necessities in our lives. Products such as WI-tricity, which converts “electromagnetic waves” into electricity and vice versa to wirelessly power electronic devices “at a distance of seven feet” away and the advancements scientist have made by producing a “bio engineered eyes using stem cells to replace retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells” (Coghlan,2013) .   My writing, understanding and views  on writing  changed dramatically thanks to this class and its assignments. This is a final blog class assignment. However it is highly probable that I will continue to blog or write just for the fun of it.  
 The class raised my awareness to the reader and information I want to provide to that reader.  When writing it is essential to know what the topic you want to present, how you want to present it, what you want to accomplish and to whom you are writing to. Whether it be an advisory blog, product presentation, reviews and or a persuasive blog on genetic robots. For example a professional memo, a blogs, a technical description and a recommendation report whose topic is a robot;  will each talk of the same model robot.  However the professional memo is used to address certain areas in need of                                                                                                                                                
improvement and might propose a robot as a possible solution. While a technical description will be a description of the robots hardware and software and how the component come together to make the robot work. A recommendation report includes element from the professional memo, technical description, by explaining a problem and offering a solution. However the recommendation report is usually written after a solution off of the professional memo has been approved as it also includes a features table, research and a more detailed interest on specific models to recommend one in particular that best meets the organization’s needs. It addresses a wider audience that includes employees, and executives and is much more defensible proofs and substance rather than an opinion.  Since it requires proof rather than opinion we were exposed to different sources, such as databases, web sources and white papers. It heightened the importance of both obtaining accurate reliable information and making it clear that one must be very careful so on the internet to obtain true accurate information. While Blogging helped open the doors to many topics both professional and for entertainment purposes and has helped me see what is meant by "information up". The new age where we the public become sources of information to one another. 

I thank my teacher Dr. Dragan for making the topics related to the class interests, making the homework more engaging more than a simple class assignment but rather a door to discover new, current and relevant information that impact our lives at the present. I hope to be back soon though!

Beckner., B.(2009). WiTricity, a stock to Watch. Retieved from
Coghlan., A. (2013). Stem – cell treatment restores sight to blind man. Retrieved from
TedGlobal. (2009). Eric Giler demos wireless electricity [Video file]. Retrieved from <iframe    
            src="" width="560"  
            height="315" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Eng259_blog_5_Exploring Technical Product Reviews

Today I will present two product reviews.

Image from C| 

     The first product is reviewed by C|net which gave this product a rating of 8.4. The product?  The Bose Sound Link Bluetooth Mobile Speaker II valued at 299.00 US Dollars. According to David Carnoy Executive Editor and one of C|nets review team member the Bose Sound Link is capable of filling a medium sized room with sound measuring only 9.5 inches in width, 5 inches in height and 1.1.9 inches in thickness. It connects and reads "any A2DP devices which include nearly all smartphone or devices including the iPad" from a distance of 30 ft, Carnoy tested tested the Bluetooth's reach and found that he could still connect to the speaker from a distance of 40 feet away, this gives away the fact that his review is based on testing. (Carnoy,2012). It remembers up to 6 devices but offers a "3.5mm sized audio input" which you can connect to any non Bluetooth  non smartphone or computer device into in case your device is not Bluetooth able. Its significant attributes are its sleek size, sound volume which remains without distortion even at high volumes.(Carnoy,2012). Carnoy compares this product to many products in particularly he compares it to the Jawbone Big Jambox. The review seems to be based on hands on testing and a bit on opinion. The testing is evident by the previous example I gave where he tested the Bluetooth's range, his opinion falls in when Carnoy states his preference to Bose even thought Jawbone Big Jambox may be the better choice based on functionality and sound preference. He prefers the boss because of its stand that serves as a cover which come in handy to a traveler such as himself. Which brings us to the downfalls of this product it offers no speaker capabilities, has a significant low battery life of 6-8 hours max at mid volume and has no remote control.  Jawbone Big Jambbox's on the other hand has speaker capabilities, 2 sound modes, a slightly better sound according to Carnoy and an impressive 15 hour battery life. Carnoy concludes that the Bose would not be a product buyers would regret buying and there is no one winner between Bose and Jawbone but his heart was won over by a slim body with a loud sound and a little cover that also serves as a stand.

Image from C| 
Image from C| 
    The second is The Digital Ecoxgear Ecoxbt which I must say won over my heart! Its perfect near humid places like a steaming shower. David Carnoy from C|net presents this review; the specs as described by him, are very hard to resist. This is a waterproof, outdoor/ indoor use  wireless blue tooth capable device with a blue tooth range of 33 feet.(Carnoy,2013). It has a rechargeable battery with performance of 10 hours, speaker phone capabilities,  an answer/end call button with a price of 100.97  US dollars. (Carnoy,2013). If your  device is not Bluetooth capable an  AUX entrance is available to connect your device. This products downfall is based on the quality of sound, unfortunately Carnoy says its best for light and acoustic and although it is loud, it works best at a medium volume. 

Image from C|
     This review is based on testing we can tell because  Carnoy tells us he tested the speakers during his shower. The review criteria was based on sturdiness and its impressive features, the answer/end call and its waterproof capability. Carnoy briefly compares this model portability to three other but conclude that this is a great choice for those who are looking for a sturdy, waterproof, speakerphone capable speaker at a moderate price with a moderately good sound. I agree however  I would love to see a remote  for this speaker so that the phone isn't damage due to water while at the beach or elsewhere. 

Between these to product I would most definitely chose The Digital Ecoxgear Ecoxbt for waterproof capabilities and endurance against falls. 

Carnoy, D., (2012). Bose SoundLink Bluetooth Mobile Speaker II review: Bose's Bluetooth    
      speaker gets even better, Retrieved from 
Carnoy, D., (2012). Grace Digital Ecoxgear Ecoxbt Bluetooth speaker review:
       Portable, waterproof, and pool-friendly, Retrieved from digital-ecoxgear-ecoxbt/4505-11313_7-   

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Eng259_NAO the robot.

NAO The Robot. 

 Sullins, J. P.(2005). Artificial Intelligence. C. Mitcham (Ed.) Encyclopedia of science.(Vol. 1, pp. 110).
       Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA.  Retrieved April 20 ,2013,Gale Virtual reference Library.

Calzada, F. (Youtube user name).(Uploaded February 6, 2013)." NAO Robot Plays Tic Tac Toe with
      human" [Video file].  Accessed April 20,2013/ Retrieved from
      Interaction between the NAO Robot and user is very exiting and I am optimistic for a future with robot companions. At the moment though we are no where near the level of interaction we would like to see. I for one am happy to think that there will be a robot that can help me cook, clean and any other dirty work I would love to be relieved of. This is exactly the long term goal of the creators of the NAO robot revealed at an interview at the The Engadget Show - 016.  What some of us would like to see is a robot capable of making decisions to complete a task on their own, based on the information in front of them, in an agile manner within a reasonable amount of time.  
      Here is the link to a video of NAO robot playing a game of  tic tac toe which was uploaded to youtube by Franck Calzada, a NAO developer. The video is optimistic with captions explaining the capabilities of the NAO robot. We observe that NAO is capable of recognizing and associating an item to a specific task. It recognizes the items similar to a human since he recognizes the playing cards used regardless of its position and orientation. NAO understands that tic tac toe is made up of two distinct symbols usually an x and an o. In the video we see that NAO can associates any two distinct shapes as symbols for the game and understands that color differences in the symbols is unimportant. He has the ability to keep track of scores, players turns and which symbols are his as opposed to those of his opponent symbol. He knows when a person has ended his turn and identifies the results of the game, this means he is able to store data and recall that data based on the interaction that take place.

      The video suggest that the robot is autonomous but fails in my opinion. For example we see that the robot only performs "scripts or certain activities without any continuity like a human we see this when resets at the start of a new game. Instead of understanding that he is with a user playing multiple game all linking to one set of interaction that belongs to a bigger scope of interaction; he sees each tic tac toe game as an individual unrelated interaction. This is also evident when he drops his pen after the start of a new game, he fails to conclude that he still has a pen in his hand therefore should not ask for a new one each time he is shown a card or start a new game unless he actually doesn't have a pen. I feel he restarts at the begging of each new game because he treats it as a new instance with no recollection that he has a pen and or because he is still not fully conscience of himself. The NAO should have space in his memory to add his interaction so that he is able to have continuity and have a "self identity" or function outside of his individually programmed scripts. That however might be a whole different story we can discuss later because some may not even want to consider this because of the ethical issues that arise, on who's ethics and ideas would the robot run under? (Sullins, 2005)
         Besides the real goal of the NAO programs as said so in their  interview at the The Engadget Show - 016 and at TEDxNijmegen 2013 and elsewhere is to ease people from the fear of robots by building one that contributes greatly to our society. Their current goal is to have the  NAO robot help both autistic and elderly people. Although resistant at first the elderly benefit from the companion of a NAO robot for a companion who would be able to help, keep them company and take care of them when they are in need (TEDX NIJMEGEN, 2013).  Autistic children would benefit tremendously from them because autistic children usually dont like to interact with other people so a human therapist can only help as long as the child is receptive. With the NAO a child would be more receptive and willing to  learn and continue with his exercises while learning how to interact. This has already been proven at a    a training exercise conducted with "a dozen children ages 2 to 5: half of them were on the autism spectrum and half were not. The researchers found that all the children spent more time watching the robot than they did a human therapist." this means that children with autism have a better chance to learn more easily than with a human therapist (Winter, 2013). 
     So even though the NAO might not be a truly autonomous yet because it is not a program that "can truly operate on its own (autonomously for any significant length of time" (Sullins, 2005).  
     I used many sources two of them are a technical description of the NAO robot and videos of the NAO robot in action. The technical description gave me the specs and an understanding on how the NAO  actually works, I was able to see the programming and software used to help NAO see, talk and interact. It helped me imagine the type of work, time and dedication invested on the NAO. While the videos, helped me see how the robot actually performed although the NAO may not be autonomous it does not discredit the fact that it is one of the best robots I have ever seen. I was most impressed by their "personality", their ability to play tic tac toe, stand up when they fall, stand on one leg and ability to identify different objects. They even draw sketches of what they see when you program them to! Based on this even though the NAO robot may not be autonomous yet they will benefit our society through direct contribution and for the inspiration they evoke, which always helps us take a closer look at ourselves.       

Calzada, F. (Youtube user name).(Uploaded August 18, 2012)."NAO Robot Draws what he sees !
     Drawing my hand" [Video file].  Accessed April 20,2013/ Retrieved from:

Calzada, F. (Youtube user name).(Uploaded February 6, 2013)." NAO Robot Plays Tic Tac Toe with
      human" [Video file].  Accessed April 20,2013/ Retrieved from

Mumm, C. (Writer), & Mumm, C. (Director). (2010). Mitsubishi's Frank DeMartin, iRobot,
      Aldebaran's NAO robot, Ubisoft Battle Tag, CES '11 preview, and more![Television series
      episode].Mumm, C. (Producer), The Engadget Show. The New York Times.

 Sullins, J. P.(2005). Artificial Intelligence. C. Mitcham (Ed.) Encyclopedia of science.(Vol. 1, pp.   
      110). Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA.  Retrieved April 20 ,2013,Gale Virtual reference Library.

TEDX NIJMEGEN(Youtube user name). (Uploaded April 08, 2013)."Nao Robot at TEDxNijmegen
      2013"[Video file]. Accessed April 20, 2013/ Retrieved from:

Winter, L.(2013). NAO the Humanoid Robot Therapist is Working Wonders With Autistic  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eng259_"Blog Assignment #3__ Steps to "Proposals for accident prevention at La Guardia school grounds."

Steps to "Proposals for accident prevention at La Guardia school grounds."

       Rows of crash-resistant bollards protect
                     entrances, glass areas and main building of
                   Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma, AZ.
                            Reliance Foundry Co. Ltd. Photo
As a class assignment three scenarios where presented to us so that we could come up with a solution in a professional memo. I chose Scenario #1 _Traffic danger because of the actual car accident which I referenced in my memo, I wanted to be more informed on the proposed and available solutions since this concerns the student body and myself. Here is an excerpt from my memo "… Bollards called K4 weigh about 15,000 lbs are capable of stopping a car traveling at 30 mph. These bollards come in different shapes and sizes and other companies offer bollards capable of stopping a truck at 50 mph. .... However we can choose to place 4 bollards on each lane of the two lanes at the intersections of Thompson Avenue and Skillman Avenue and Thompson Avenue and Van Dyke Street intersections of with a total cost of 10,400 US dollars including the installation. This is a great solution can be built upon by installing the first 16 bollards and continue the addition of more bollards throughout the years as our budget allows. … "
Research included phone calls to the governor’s office, which lead to the discovery of DOT's plan to widen the sidewalks; an interview with Simko J. a former IMSA signal technician who witness to the accident. Phone calls to companies that offer radar speed sign’s, rubber speed cushions, and bollards, after their online look up. Because there are many types of violation I concluded that there is no one solution in the market to solve all violations such as car running on sidewalks, red lights and speeding. I concluded that DOT's plan to enlarge the sidewalk along with some bollards at our most dangerous intersections and changes to the traffic signals offer solutions that offers a wider range of protection for the student body.

To conclude after calling the mayors office I learned that the DOT is the one responsible to approve any plans to improve safety. The DOT proposed a plan to enlarge the sidewalks however the DOT will not implement the plan until it is deemed necessary therefore calling, emailing or mailing the  DOT to push for safety precautions is very important.   

***I would like to give a special thanks to Bill from BOLLARDS, Reliance Foundry CO. LTD. for his help with 
product: pricing, description and specifications.
***James Simko for allowing me to interview him, for his ideas, time, input, and advice.
*** Johanna from TRAFFIC LOGIX, Corporation for product pricing and description.  
*** As well as the staff at ,The Mayors Office, for the information on current plans, obstacles and updates of 
current events .   

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blog assignment_2 Eng 259.


“Could printing body parts be in NC's 
 manufacturing future?” 
is the question asked by Jim Roberts in his Feb, 12 2013 blog. 
It could, and yes you heard right, we did say printing body parts.
The blog tells us that North Carolina, California, Massachusetts, New York, Maryland and Connecticut are all “competing for a piece of the Regenerative medicine market that Dr. Atala believes will have a potential $118 Billion impact on the economy by the year 2015.” (Roberts, 2013) As if that wasn’t enough “every job in regenerative medicine has a multiplier effect of creating 5.7 more jobs in the region.” (Roberts, 2013) Certainly giving the economy a much needed boost.

Now in case you are still wondering what we are talking about, bioengineers are striving to engineer manmade tissues and organs withthe help of stem cells, pig bladder etc... while 3D printing is a method that uses a wide array of material such as glass, plastic metals, plastics, polymers, ceramics, plaster; and even foodstuffs to create a 3D model of the object you program it to layer by layer. Now combine these two ideas and add Dr. Anthony Atala and your end up with an idea to produce organs, tissues, bones etc… using this 3D printing Technology. In case you are wondering if it works, yes, yes it does.  

And it’s already been done! Live, in front of an audience, during one of the 2011 Ted Talks.
Thanks to Dr. Atala and his staff! Dr. Atala began printing, yes printing, a kidney during the convention and showed off a previously printed kidney. Instead of ink or any other material this printer uses cells. Although these methods are still experimental this method plans to help against the shortage of organs, replace failing organs due to aging, disease, and errors in our genetics.  He even sees a future where we may be able to use “printing technology to fabricate body parts and even print skin tissue directly onto a patient’s wound.”(Jung, 2011)
I am not sure if North Carolina will be a leader of this method but I do agree that this technology will change the way we live our lives and benefit the medical, science and financial fields.

It’s so hard to pick just one of these methods, printing technology is amazing as well and soon enough we may be able to replace many of the things we use simply by printing them out. (Hoffman, 2011) This would cut down on many cost, time, energy and resources because you will no longer need huge factories to produce products if you can print them at home, transportation time may be cut down and with it pollution levels. Printed meat for consumer consumption has even been suggested which would end animal cruelty, it doesn't involve cloning so no moral issued should arise and the cells used to create this meat would come from an animal, however the animal doesn't need to die since only a small sample is needed.( Whitwam, 2013)  Which would reduce the waste of water, grazing land, and fuel needed, reduce transportation cost and time because your meat will be made  “fresh”, Forgacs  says the printing would be open to a the public much like “a brewery”. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Welcome ! This is my English 259 _Intensive Writing blog



                                                                                             Image from:

Welcome ! This is my  English 259 _Intensive Writing blog.  
 My name is Karina my regular writings are  lab reports, research papers, essays, formal letters emails and posts. Starting today this list includes blogs!.  I enjoy reading news or post regarding the discovery of new species, advances in the medical field and humanitarian programs created to help individuals help themselves such as Global Health Share Initiative. I am majoring as an electrical engineer at La Guardia Community College. Upon completion I plan to find an internship and continue my studies at a four year college such as City College of New York.

 I am interested in environmental, biological, chemical, psychology and neurological fields of science. All aspects of science are fascinating especially since they help shape our lives. Today everyone has a direct or indirect relationship with technology' however everyone's relationship is different especially since technology covers nearly all aspect of our lives. According to Merriam-Webster technology is the "application of knowledge to change and  manipulate human environment through the use of tools, ideas [etc..] to make life easier and more pleasant" this means that even your ball point pen would be consider a piece of technology, after all  it only took "three different inventors and almost 60 years to develop" it . (

A  farmers might use insecticides, tractors and seeding equipment, corporate employees may need computer programs for accounting and power point presentations, students may use computers with a working internet connection to gather information, pens, calculators, USB hard drives and much more. Technology to me and many others gives us more time and energy because a laptop with working internet service allows us to talk to relatives out of state, pay bills, manage bank accounts, buy groceries, books, easily obtain research information, compare prices, share data and information with teachers, peers and employers; and it also keeps us entertained... of course the list is never ending these are just a few examples of what a computer with internet service provides, can we possibly fathom all that technology has given us? Let's just look at our  kitchen and the very structure that keeps us warm at night!