Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Blog assignment. Blog Assignment #6

Age-related macular degeneration can leave people with only peripheral vision <i>(Image: Science Source/SPL)</i>
ENGLISH 259:   (Image: Science Source/SPL)
Final Blog Assignment

Blogging and this English 259 class has helped me realize how much I enjoy reading and sharing new information regarding the latest technology that involves a possible solution to the greatest necessities in our lives. Products such as WI-tricity, which converts “electromagnetic waves” into electricity and vice versa to wirelessly power electronic devices “at a distance of seven feet” away and the advancements scientist have made by producing a “bio engineered eyes using stem cells to replace retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells” (Coghlan,2013) .   My writing, understanding and views  on writing  changed dramatically thanks to this class and its assignments. This is a final blog class assignment. However it is highly probable that I will continue to blog or write just for the fun of it.  
 The class raised my awareness to the reader and information I want to provide to that reader.  When writing it is essential to know what the topic you want to present, how you want to present it, what you want to accomplish and to whom you are writing to. Whether it be an advisory blog, product presentation, reviews and or a persuasive blog on genetic robots. For example a professional memo, a blogs, a technical description and a recommendation report whose topic is a robot;  will each talk of the same model robot.  However the professional memo is used to address certain areas in need of                                                                                                                                                
improvement and might propose a robot as a possible solution. While a technical description will be a description of the robots hardware and software and how the component come together to make the robot work. A recommendation report includes element from the professional memo, technical description, by explaining a problem and offering a solution. However the recommendation report is usually written after a solution off of the professional memo has been approved as it also includes a features table, research and a more detailed interest on specific models to recommend one in particular that best meets the organization’s needs. It addresses a wider audience that includes employees, and executives and is much more defensible proofs and substance rather than an opinion.  Since it requires proof rather than opinion we were exposed to different sources, such as databases, web sources and white papers. It heightened the importance of both obtaining accurate reliable information and making it clear that one must be very careful so on the internet to obtain true accurate information. While Blogging helped open the doors to many topics both professional and for entertainment purposes and has helped me see what is meant by "information up". The new age where we the public become sources of information to one another. 

I thank my teacher Dr. Dragan for making the topics related to the class interests, making the homework more engaging more than a simple class assignment but rather a door to discover new, current and relevant information that impact our lives at the present. I hope to be back soon though!

Beckner., B.(2009). WiTricity, a stock to Watch. Retieved from
Coghlan., A. (2013). Stem – cell treatment restores sight to blind man. Retrieved from
TedGlobal. (2009). Eric Giler demos wireless electricity [Video file]. Retrieved from <iframe    
            src="" width="560"  
            height="315" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen

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